Saturday, November 29, 2014


"Miserere"--a beautiful song [1] sung by voices from Heaven:

1. Andrea Bocelli and Zucchero at
and by
2. Luciano Pavarotti, Zucchero and Andrea Bocelli at

Some countries have given the world deadly diseases, others technologically advanced deadly weapons, yet others have focused on creating the best cuisine to bring joy to the dining experience and on cultivating talents that open hearts to the expansive sounds of Heaven.  Together, they occupy this planet along with others.  Lucky are those who live in places that are close to Heaven, not places that are deceivingly heavenly or like Hell.  Wherever one lives, a prayer [2], quoted below in Latin and in English, is appropriate:
Agnus Dei,
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Miserere nobis.

Agnus Dei,
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Miserere nobis.

Agnus Dei,
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Dona nobis pacem.

The Lamb of God,
Who took the sins of the world,
Have mercy upon us.

The Lamb of God,
Who took the sins of the world,
Have mercy upon us.

The Lamb of God,
Who took the sins of the world,
Grant us peace.

[1] Translated by:
Have Mercy

Have mercy, have mercy,
Have mercy, poor me.
But I drink to life!

What a mistery is my life
What a mistery!
I'm a sinner of the year eighty thousand
A liar!
But, where am I? And what do I do?
How I live?
I live in the soul of the world
Lost in the depths of life!

Have mercy, poor me.
But I drink to life!

I'm the saint who betrayed you
When you were alone
And I live elsewhere and I look the world
from the sky
And I look the sea and the woods
I see me...
living in the soul of the world
Lost in the depths of life!

Have mercy, poor me.
But I drink to life!

If there was a night dark enought
to hide myself, hide myself
If there is a light, a hope
Gorgeous sun shining
inside me
Give me the joy of living
that isn't still here

Have mercy, have mercy,
That joy of living
that may be is not still here

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