Thursday, November 6, 2014

An Angelic Face No Longer

Below is a side by side photograph of actress Renee Zellweger [1] before and after her transformation, one that is, in my opinion, from angelic (left) to ghastly:

 Here are two more [2], [3]:

Sad is the cruel world of Hollywood, a place that attracts those who hunger for attention, money and fame, that objectifies people and reduces them to commodities.  Like commodities, they are bought and sold.  It makes no difference whether others buy and sell them or they buy and sell themselves, they know their prices.  No matter how big the dollar amount is at the end of a performer's career, it is finite.

God did not intend for anyone to be finite.  God created man and gave us Christ as a model of the infinite.  Being infinite, Christ could not be bought by Satan's most tantalizing temptations and is therefore priceless.  That is what God intends for every person--priceless in a unique way and to give to others the infiniteness within. 

The joy of being infinite is the Joy of Heaven.  Imagine how vulgar it would be for someone to wait around Heaven's Gate with a price tag around the neck when Heaven is looking for all who are priceless and infinite [4].

For those who find it necessary to alter one's looks or skin color, or maintain the look of youth to meet the shallow demands of Hollywood, may they find peace beyond their insatiable quest for popularity, wealth and fame, and beyond what they see in the mirror: the illusion of acceptance.

[4] Not everyone who earns a living in the entertainment industry (reality shows included) will treat his/her wealth as a ticket to enter Heaven, but it is reasonable to assume that some will.  Those who do have nothing but emptiness within.

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