Monday, April 28, 2014

A Saint In Hell - Is That Possible?

On April 27, 2014, John Paul II was canonized a saint by the current pope [1].  The same John Paul II was "seen" in Hell by Angelica Zambrano [2].

Now that former pope John Paul II is officially a saint, the immediate question is whether a saint can be in Hell.  Assuming that Angelica Zambrano did "see" him in Hell, the answer is yes.  Is a saint in Hell out of the realm of worldly and other-worldly possibilities?  Not at all, because even God's angel can end up in Hell.  Its name was Lucifer, and is now Satan.  If God's angel can be banished from Heaven, certainly a pope, elected by humans who are less than angelic, can suffer the same fate.

The next question is whether John Paul II is truly in Hell.  I do not know, but find Angelica Zambrano's testimony convincing.  What Angelica Zambrano did not "see" in Hell was Francesco d'Assisi nor did she "see" Bernadette Soubirous, who, I believe, are God's saints, not human saints that had been canonized due to politics, popularity and/or money paid to the Vatican bank and witnesses. [3]

[3] I find the two miracles attributed to John Paul II had not undergone sufficient scrutiny by an objective panel of physicians and analysts and therefore in my opinion highly dubious.  Perhaps his fast track to sainthood was bought with lots of money and tainted with unholiness.  Hopefully, some day, in this life or after, the Truth will be revealed.

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