Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sin - The Great Equalizer

It bears repeating that our most precious gift is life. [1]  As we all know, we are all endowed with different attributes.  We judge human attributes relative to each other but we never seen to compare any of them, not even the most valued, against life itself until we at precipice of death.  Only then do we wake up to the true value and beauty of life.  By then it might be too late to regret.

If we are constantly aware of how precarious life is, then we realize immediately how insignificant the gifts of talent, intellect, beauty, physical prowess, wealth and personal sufferings [2] are relative to the gift of life.  Sadly, we so often take life for granted.  Since we do, many of us become envious of others with desirable attributes because we are blind to the fact that even the most desirable attributes of a person are nothing compared to the life of one who seemingly has none.

Perhaps the one who has none of the desirable attributes could be one of the most envious although he/she could feel the most blessed because he/she has life, a life that he/she could live in holiness and with unconditional love.  How many people can admit to living a life like that?  And how precious such a life would be compared to a life filled with successes, accolades and wealth of this world?

Perhaps the people who can best answer the question are those whose lives are filled with successes, accolades and wealth.  Who among these can honestly say that he/she is fulfilled in every way?  Is it not true that many of these people are still searching for fulfillment?  Are they not still trying to expand their conglomerates, gain more attention or accumulate more wealth?  I always wonder what go through the minds of these people at night when the lights are out and the world around these people fall silent.  Are they troubled by worries, kept awake by anger or tormented by thoughts of vengeance?  If they are, then truly how "rich" are their lives?  Or are they truly happy because they have attained heaven on earth?

My guess is that no person can say that he/she has attained heaven on earth but most every person has gone through, or is going through hell on earth. [3]  Of course, hell is a little different for each one of us just as each one of us is a little different from every other.  But hell is Hell; it does not matter whose hell it is, no one likes being in Hell.

Hell is self-willed.  Hell does not come upon and envelops person--a person embraces Sin in all its splendor and enters Hell freely.  Hell is one place that welcomes the rich and the poor [4], the gifted and the ungifted equally.  The tickets for entry are sins of all kinds, and they are free.

So people, especially those who believe they have been short-changed by God for having less than someone else on the planet, do not despair.  Sin is the great equalizer and Hell is the destination.  There, everyone is tormented; everyone is miserable.  There, Satan is able to give what God does not give to man--equality. [5], [6].

[1] Life is a gift from God.  It has two basic components: flesh and soul.  That is not all.  We are also given talents and abilities of different kinds and in varying degrees.  The most important of these is love.  As impossible as it sounds, we all have the ability to give unconditional love.  It is priceless.  For anyone who is poor or hungry or out of work or in need of help, if he/she can give unconditional love to all his/her neighbors, then he/she will be never feel poor, or be hungry or be without assistance.  Who in this world would not care for someone who loves him/her unconditionally?  I cannot think of anyone unless that someone is fully possessed by evil.
[2] Personal sufferings are a gift and if one internalizes that, he/she is well on his/her way to God.
[3] It is important to draw a distinction between the gift of suffering and being in hell.  The gift of suffering purifies the soul--it is a gift from God.  Contrast it to the torment of hell which is self-willed--it is the abuse of the gift of Free Will from God.
[4] The poor here means those without means but who are mean to God, abuses God's gifts and rejects God, not the poor in spirit.
[5] Why desire equality?  Is the gift of life-flesh and soul-good enough?  It that not a gift that is being gifted equally, a gift that is the most desirable and the most precious along with Free-Will that comes with it?  Why desire justice?  Is justice not a concept of human intellect?  Is not human intellect fallible?  Therefore, is justice not equally fallible?  Who can judge what is fair and what is not other than the One Who give us flesh and soul, Who knows where we came from, who we are and what free choices we will be making and where we will end up?  The secularists and the fake Christians believe that social justice brings peace.  They cannot be more wrong.  Social justice never brings peace.  Love does.  Love never errs because it is rooted in forgiveness.  Justice always errs because its seed is vengeance, and vengeance is always wrong.
[6] The man who thinks that he is righteous and wants to bring equality and justice to this world (because he is in a position of power) has the same desire as Satan.  The man who so wants is a fool and a pawn of Satan because the more he tries to bring secular equality and justice to people without God's love, the more the scales of equality and justice become ever so finely calibrated that they will never be in balance, leading to more and more strife and more and more evil.  In a society where everyone suffers, everyone is equal and all seems just.  This kind of society is truly Hell on earth, and its advocate is Satan incarnate.

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