Thursday, October 10, 2013

Becoming God

Heaven is scarcely a place of disappointment -- in fact, there is no disappointment at all yet there is hope, a blissful hope that our collective Free Will will be exercised in ways that lead to God. [1]  Due to Sin, we are unable to will away our propensity toward the draw of everything that leads us ever closer to the promise of the Serpent.  However, we are not trapped.  Christ came to save all of our souls.  By His death and resurrection, He flung open the gate of Heaven that had remained shut after Adam and Eve were banished so that man, God's most precious creation, can have a chance to return home to have unending and uninterrupted fulfillment.

The way is simple.  We all know it.  After all, Heaven is home.  We came from there and we instinctively know how to go back.  If we do not, Christ by His actions and His words had shown us the path.  Sadly, the world has turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to all that is good.  We, as descendants of Adam and Eve, are not that far removed from who they were.

Think for a moment.  What was their Sin?  They knew they were subordinate to God, but they wanted to know everything God knows, to have the power God has.  They wanted to be God.  That was a long time ago.  Millennia later, we have not changed. [2]  Today, little Adams and little Eves around the world still crave knowledge, not knowledge of God and the goodness of God, but knowledge that leads to power, the very power Adam and Eve desired, to control this earth and everyone and everything in it, and the universe beyond.  The apple indeed does not fall far from the tree.

After accumulating so much knowledge since the fall of Adam and Eve, man still is unable to create on his own, without relying on God's procreative gift, the living cells of life and the living spirit that attaches to life.  Consequently, man has to settle for something akin to life without a soul.  Man has created the robot.  Artificial intelligence ("AI") fueled by electricity is a marvelous invention for the convenience of life to save time in man's daily life, but to do what with it?  What use is time without God in it?  Time without God is an eternity with Satan.  Man's seemingly unshakeable attachment to Sin will lead him there, a place no one wants to go, a place no one would wish anyone to go, no one except Satan.

Satan is happy these days.  Man knows enough now to employ AI by making robots with super AI and mobility that can out-think and outperform any human, so much so that these soulless creations could run man's lives and end them without compunction.  Perhaps a nuclear bomb would be a welcomed sight when armies of marching, flying and swimming robots start to wipe out the human race.  Has a discussion of God just turned into a piece of science fiction?  Perhaps, or perhaps not.  I think not because man's quest to be God has not ended.  Every modern Adam wants to have his phalanges of robots to dominate his neighbor.

Just like our first ancestors Adam and Eve, we are not satisfied with all that we collectively have been given.  We have to have more: continually we hunger for more, more of something, something undefinable.  Not even at the pinnacle of power is man at peace with himself.  That undefinable something is spiritual fulfillment where bliss resides.  That can only come from God and that can only be had when willed, freely willed, by man.

Adam and Eve never willed spiritual fulfillment from their Creator.  They willed to be the Creator.  That will is not one that can ever be realized unless man wills to return to God, to become a part of God.  Only then can man be God.

[1] With an overabundance of bliss, there is no time for disappointment in Heaven, even when a person does not will freely to follow the path toward God.  When a person ends up in Hell, he/she is the only one who would have an eternity of disappointment.  Even Mary, the Mother of God Who is our tireless Advocate, is never disappointed even as one of us sins or ultimately rejects God.  She is eternally blissful and prayerful in Her work to save each and every soul and She leaves to each of us the power to freely choose.  Our Free Will is the foundation of Heaven's joy.  Heaven rejoices because we have chosen freely for we would have used God's gift the way God intended it to be used.  That is a celebration!
[2] Nothing has changed, notwithstanding any political slogan.  Sin is still very well preserved and alive, everywhere.

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