Friday, July 29, 2011

What I Like About President Obama

I think President Obama is a good man, but I don't always agree with him. I also think that the presidency is a job that at times is beyond his ability to handle. Thankfully, he is not idiotic and arrogant like his predecessor.

He passed the health care bill in honor of his mother who died without the money to pay for health care. What son cannot identify with such an act? What mother would not be proud to have such a son? But at what cost when the country was carrying a huge deficit and on the verge of a depression and could not afford such a huge burden?

He extended his predecessor's tax cuts. That was good for the rich but as it turned out, it is adding to the deficit while unemployment remains high.

He approved the $787 billion stimulus package that stabilized the financial markets. Unfortunately, it did not stimulate the economy to grow as fast as everyone, especially he had hoped.

He found Osama bin Laden in Pakistan within 3 years of his presidency when GW Bush could not find him anywhere in 7 tortuous years.

He is unwinding GW Bush's mistake in Iraq, a sitting duck of a nation that GW Bush invaded for no good reason and found its leader, Saddam Hussein, in a gutter, lol, at a cost of 3 trillion (see and counting, countless lives and immeasurable, and on-going, human suffering, not funny at all (nfaa). It's unconscionable, it's devilish and it's repulsive.

He repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell, paving the way for equality for gay military personnel. It's about time. There's nothing more threatening than having a bitter, sex-deprived soldier carrying a big gun, ready but forbidden to shoot even when fully loaded.

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