Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Future Of Female Catholic Priestesses Could Be In The Making

The National Catholic Reporter  on May 12, 2016, reported that the pope "announced he will create a commission to study the possibility of allowing women to serve as deacons in the Catholic church, signaling an historic openness to the possibility of ending the global institution's practice of an all-male clergy." [1]  On September 30, 2016, the Crux  reported that "[l]eaders of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith spent three days in late September [2016] listening to women theologians, canon lawyers, Scripture scholars and specialists in other academic fields talk about roles women have played in the Catholic Church and roles they could play in the future." [2]

"Cardinal Gerhard Muller, prefect of the doctrinal congregation, opened the meeting, which involved about 50 people, mostly women, and officials and consultants to the congregation, the statement said." [3]

This blogger does not understand why women want to be like men, doing the things men had been designated to do, such as being apostles of Christ and engaging in the things men had been biologically predisposed to enjoy, such as certain types of sports, especially combat sports such as wrestling, judo, karate, boxing, and mixed martial arts.  Is it the money or the power that women seem to crave, that seems to be absent from the traditional female roles such as motherhood and as the family's teacher and mediator? [4] Is the role that affects the future of a child so insignificant and unimportant that women see it as inferior to the work that men do?  Is the Blessed Virgin Mary, the forever humble and loving Mother of God and humankind, so repulsive to women that She has to be rejected in order to elevate Eve who was the mother of Original Sin to become the woman to be idolized, the first woman who craved for power (over God) so badly that she convinced Adam to sin against God?

Women are not to blame as long as there are men who finds Eve more convincing than the Blessed Virgin Mary or God.  Eve was smart, sexy and seductive and men who fall for women like Eve as opposed to the opposite of Eve who is intelligent, beautiful and humble in the ways of God are the men who are inclined to commit adultery and to break the vow of celibacy.  Would it be out of the realm of possibility for this pope to have previously engaged in sexual intercourse with females as a priest and as a result become a biological father?  This blogger cannot be certain even though he would not be surprised one iota if it were true just as he was not surprised to read about lesbian nuns [5] and gay priests [6] in the Catholic church.

To have women play pronounced and pivotal roles in the Catholic church's hierarchy and to have women become priestesses is not the end of the world, even though it could be the end of a cohesive Catholic church.

[3] Ibid.
[4] Women who had already raised their children to adulthood or who could not have children could continue to be faithful spouses, caring daughters, sisters and aunts and loving caretakers for the many orphans and elderly in society.  Is any of these positions degrading to womanhood whereas doing a man's work upgrades it?

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