Sunday, October 30, 2016

Rediscovering Innocence

Quoted in part below is the definition of "innocence:" [1]

1.  freedom from sin [worldly, as opposed to Original] or moral wrong.
2.  freedom from legal or specific wrong; guiltlessness[.]
3.  simplicity; absence of guile or cunning; naiveté.
4.  lack of knowledge or understanding [of people who are evil; trusting].
5.  harmlessness; innocuousness.

Everyone is born innocent according to the definition above (as annotated), but everyone is corruptible and defilable, and everyone is corrupted and defiled to a degree over time but one ought to leave room for the possibility that there are those who with God's grace have chosen to remain pure and wholesome throughout most of their lives, to give hope to everybody else who are like them (who were not immaculately conceived but were born as sinners), using themselves as real-life examples to show those who are corrupted and defiled that innocence is not dead, or lost, but rather it is an innate quality that has become latent but is readily rediscoverable and renewable at any moment and at any time in one's life: all that one needs to do is to wipe clean one's past and change one's mindset, that innocence is not vulnerabilities exposed but strengths consolidated, and to know that life's fundamental task is to engage evil in a difficult and seemingly endless battle to preserve it, one that cannot be won alone without God and without supplication.

The easy way out is to suppress one's innate innocence.  To give up on nurturing innocence is to lose the battle against evil even thought it may appear that wearing the purity of innocence is tantamount to having a death wish because common sense seems to conclude that evil relishes in identifying the innocent ones as easy prey to hunt down and kill, except that it is not evil's intent to eliminate those who are innocent but only to spoil their innocence, just as the Serpent never wanted to kill Eve who was once innocent but only to corrupt and defile her.  Once innocence is locked away in darkness, evil enters the soul and festers from within it, transforming it until the mind that is linked to the soul shines through with a fake illumination showcasing its dazzling array of tantalizing worldly desires that are intelligently crafted but are invariably unfulfillable and unfulfilled which ultimately destroy the soul with total emptiness.

A person needs to be resolute and strong to wear an armor of innocence.  It is only the weak ones who put theirs away in storage, and join in the chorus of satanic voices that advocates every kind of discontent imaginable that is devoid of the innate love that comes from God, the purity of which is paired with and inseparable from the purity of innocence.

The reality is that those willing to march under the flag of innocence are far and few in between, if any, whereas the group saluting the flag of cunning and deceit is growing in size and popularity in the religious, secular, military, civilian, political and journalistic sectors.  To have a world where people are brave enough to rediscover and reclaim their innocence is therefore only a dream, but the hope for an army of innocents, even if it is a lonely army of one, is very real because living a life of innocence is not only possible but also within reach.


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