Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary - 15 August

Quoted from franciscan media [1]:

... the Catechism teaches that Mary was taken to heaven when the course of her earthly life was finished. The Church does not declare whether Mary died and then was assumed into heaven or whether she was assumed before she died.

Quoted from Wikipedia [2]:

Many Catholics believe that Mary died before being assumed, but they believe that she was miraculously resurrected before being assumed. Others believe she was assumed bodily into Heaven without first dying.

Maybe this is where "dormition" becomes relevant. "Dormition comes from the Latin dormire, meaning 'to sleep.'" [3]

Dormition actually happened to Alphonsine Mumreke, a visionary in Kibeho, Rwanda.  Written by Thérèse Tardif in [4]:

Mystical journeys

There are also the mystical journeys. Alphonsine experienced this phenomenon on March 20 and 21, 1982. She informs the Sister directress and her classmates in advance: “I will look dead, but don't be afraid; don't bury me!” The journey lasts eighteen hours. Priests, nurses, religious, the medical assistant of the Red Cross, all can see Alphonsine plunged into a deep sleep, her body straight and very heavy. They cannot lift her nor separate her hands that are joined. During this journey, the Blessed Virgin shows her Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell.

[2], quoted without references.
[4], bold emphasis original.  This section is located approximately in the middle of the page.

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