Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Feast Of The Most Holy And Undivided Trinity -12 June 2022

Quoted from Catholic For Life [1]:


BY: Fr. Cajetan Anyanwu


On this Sunday after Pentecost, the church celebrates the solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit . One God, equal in majesty and mysteriously joined in a never broken unity. The strong cord that binds the Most Holy Trinity is Love which is firmly set from everlasting (Prov.8:22-31).

The ever-strong unity of the Trinity teaches us that “United we stand and divided we fall.” The emphasis here is the common good. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons that remain One. They do not disagree because they are interwoven. Jesus says, “Everything the Father has is mine; all that the Spirit tells you will be taken from what is mine” (Jn. 16:12-15). This is real fraternity and undivided family unity.

For scientists the arithmetic is wrong because, 1+1+1 is never equals to 1. This is the same in the bond of sacramental marriage where 1+1= 1 and not 2. Understanding this mystery requires Love which has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5;1-5). This love which emanates from the Trinity beckons on all of us to love one another. May the Blessed Trinity reunite broken families and give peace to warring nations, amen. Happy Sunday.

Fr. Cajetan Anyanwu

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