Sunday, April 24, 2022

Saint Mark The Evangelist - 25 April

Quoted from Saints Resource [1]:

Mark was an Evangelist—one of the four men who wrote the Gospels found in the New Testament. Mark’s Gospel was written first, and it is the shortest description of Jesus’ life, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. Mark’s writings helped both Matthew and Luke to write their Gospels.

Mark was not one of the original Apostles, and he probably never knew Jesus. Instead, we believe that he was a member of the first Christian community. In his writings, St. Peter refers to Mark as his “son.” Peter may have used this term to show his love for Mark, or he may have used it because he was the one who baptized Mark. It is believed that Peter was the primary source for Mark’s Gospel.

Mark traveled with Sts. Paul and Barnabas to spread the Good News about Jesus. During his imprisonment in Rome, Paul mentions Mark’s concern for him and writes about how helpful Mark is in the ministry of helping others to believe in Jesus (Colossians. 4:10; 2 Timothy 4:11).

Mark founded the Church in Egypt and he became bishop of Alexandria, an important center of trade and power during ancient times. He died there sometime between the years 68-74 AD as a martyr for his belief in Jesus.

Quoted from Divinum Officium [2]:

At Alexandria, the blessed Evangelist Mark. He was the disciple and interpreter of the Apostle Peter. He wrote his Gospel at the prayer of the brethren at Rome. He took it with him and went to Egypt, where he was the first man who proclaimed Christ at Alexandria, and where he founded that Church. He was afterward arrested as a believer in Christ, bound with cords, and dragged over stones to his grievous suffering. Then he was remanded to prison, where he was comforted first by a visitation of angels and then by the Lord Himself appearing unto him, and was called unto the kingdom of heaven in the 8th year of Nero, [in the year 68.]

Quoted from Catholic Daily Readings [3]:

[Saint Mark the Evangelist] passed away in the year 68 AD in Cyrene, present Libya. He was canonized pre-congregation and he is celebrated on the 25th of April every year which is his feast day.

[2], on April 24, 2022, seen in Prima in category "Reduced 1955" under the section Martyrologium.

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