Saturday, April 30, 2022

Feast Of Saints James and Phillp - 1 May (11 May)

Quoted from ¡Viva Cristo Rey! [1]:

Philip was, like Peter and Andrew, a native of Bethsaida, in Galilee. He preached the Gospel to the Scythians, and suffered martyrdom, crucified, in Hierapolis, around the year 80. James the Lesser was the Lord’s first cousin. He was the first Bishop of Jerusalem, and wrote a canonical epistle named after him. He suffered hasty martyrdom from a temple gallery, and his head was crushed with a mace.

The Roman Catholic Daily Missal, 1962, Angelus Press, also uses May 11 for this feast.  Mass readings begin on page 1201.

Other sources indicate that Feast of Saints James and Philip falls on the second Sunday after Easter which in 2022 is May 1. [2]

Feast Of Saint Joseph The Worker - 1 May 2022

Quoted from Wikipedia [1]:

Saint Joseph's Day, also called the Feast of Saint Joseph or the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, is in Western Christianity the principal feast day of Saint Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary and legal father of Jesus Christ, celebrated on 19 March....

Pope Pius XII established an additional Feast of "St. Joseph the Worker", to be celebrated on 1 May,

[1], this date is also indicated in the Roman Catholic Daily Missal 1962, Angelus Press.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Divine Mercy Chaplet (For Divine Mercy Sunday)

Divine Mercy Chaplet on YouTube  link: entitled The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song (Complete).

As of this posting, there are 19,748,337 views.

Saint Mark The Evangelist - 25 April

Quoted from Saints Resource [1]:

Mark was an Evangelist—one of the four men who wrote the Gospels found in the New Testament. Mark’s Gospel was written first, and it is the shortest description of Jesus’ life, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. Mark’s writings helped both Matthew and Luke to write their Gospels.

Mark was not one of the original Apostles, and he probably never knew Jesus. Instead, we believe that he was a member of the first Christian community. In his writings, St. Peter refers to Mark as his “son.” Peter may have used this term to show his love for Mark, or he may have used it because he was the one who baptized Mark. It is believed that Peter was the primary source for Mark’s Gospel.

Mark traveled with Sts. Paul and Barnabas to spread the Good News about Jesus. During his imprisonment in Rome, Paul mentions Mark’s concern for him and writes about how helpful Mark is in the ministry of helping others to believe in Jesus (Colossians. 4:10; 2 Timothy 4:11).

Mark founded the Church in Egypt and he became bishop of Alexandria, an important center of trade and power during ancient times. He died there sometime between the years 68-74 AD as a martyr for his belief in Jesus.

Quoted from Divinum Officium [2]:

At Alexandria, the blessed Evangelist Mark. He was the disciple and interpreter of the Apostle Peter. He wrote his Gospel at the prayer of the brethren at Rome. He took it with him and went to Egypt, where he was the first man who proclaimed Christ at Alexandria, and where he founded that Church. He was afterward arrested as a believer in Christ, bound with cords, and dragged over stones to his grievous suffering. Then he was remanded to prison, where he was comforted first by a visitation of angels and then by the Lord Himself appearing unto him, and was called unto the kingdom of heaven in the 8th year of Nero, [in the year 68.]

Quoted from Catholic Daily Readings [3]:

[Saint Mark the Evangelist] passed away in the year 68 AD in Cyrene, present Libya. He was canonized pre-congregation and he is celebrated on the 25th of April every year which is his feast day.

[2], on April 24, 2022, seen in Prima in category "Reduced 1955" under the section Martyrologium.

Divine Mercy Sunday - 24 April 2022

Quoted from Learn Religions [1]:

Divine Mercy Sunday is a relatively new addition to the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar. Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated on the Octave of Easter (the eighth day of Easter; that is, the Sunday after Easter Sunday). Celebrating the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ, as revealed by Christ Himself to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, this feast was extended to the entire Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II on April 30, 2000, the day that he canonized Saint Faustina. Christ's Divine Mercy is the love that He has for mankind, despite our sins that separate us from Him.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Last Seven Words Of Christ On the Cross

Quoted from Jesuits [1]:

To God: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” 
To the “good thief”: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
To Mary, his mother: “Woman, behold your son”... and to John: “Behold your mother.
To God, his Father: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
To all: “I thirst.
To the world: “It is finished.
To God: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

See also 7 Last Words of Jesus Christ on the Cross  from Learn Religions. [2]

Stations Of The Cross - Good Friday - 15 April 2022

Quoted from Franciscan Friars Of The Atonement - THE FOURTEEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS:

The Stations of the Cross depict 14 events in the Passion of Jesus Christ, beginning with Jesus being condemned to death and ending with His body being laid in a tomb. The pious practice of praying the Stations of the Cross originated in medieval Europe when pilgrims were unable to visit the Holy Land, so instead “visited” these Holy places through prayer.

St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order, authored Stations of the Cross that popularized the devotion throughout the world. Today, you’ll find Stations of the Cross in almost every Catholic Church, particularly prayed on Lenten Fridays, but available throughout the year for meditation and reflection.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Commemoration Of The Seven Sorrows Of The Blessed Virgin Mary - Friday In Passion Week - 8 April 2022

Quoted from Joy Filled Family [1]:

In Catholic Tradition, on the Friday after Passion Sunday, the Catholic Faithful are encouraged to meditate upon the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. Let us thank our Blessed Mother for all the pain and suffering she willingly accepted for our salvation.

The Sequence (see below) for the Mass in the Roman Catholic Daily Missal 1962 (Angelus Press) on page 1164 refers to the Stabat Mater on pages 427-29.  

Quoted from Our Catholic Prayers [2]:

At the cross her station keeping, 
Stood the mournful Mother weeping,
Close to Jesus to the last. 

Through her heart, His sorrow sharing, 
All His bitter anguish bearing, 
Now at length the sword had passed. 

Oh, how sad and sore distressed 
Was that Mother highly blest, 
Of the sole begotten One! 

Christ above in torment hangs. 
She beneath beholds the pangs 
Of her dying glorious Son. 

Is there one who would not weep,
Whelmed in miseries so deep, 
Christ's dear Mother to behold? 

Can the human heart refrain 
From partaking in her pain, 
In that Mother's pain untold? 

Bruised, derided, cursed, defiled, 
She beheld her tender Child,
All with bloody scourges rent. 

For the sins of His own nation, 
Saw Him hang in desolation 
Till His spirit forth He sent. 

O thou Mother: fount of love! 
Touch my spirit from above, 
Make my heart with thine accord. 

Make me feel as thou hast felt; 
Make my soul to glow and melt
With the love of Christ my Lord.

Holy Mother, pierce me through; 
In my heart each wound renew 
Of my Savior crucified. 

Let me share with thee His pain, 
Who for all my sins was slain, 
Who for me in torment died. 

Let me mingle tears with thee, 
Mourning Him who mourned for me, 
All the days that I may live. 

By the Cross with thee to stay; 
There with thee to weep and pray, 
Is all I ask of thee to give. 

Virgin of all virgins best, 
Listen to my fond request:
Let me share thy grief divine.

Let me to my latest breath, 
In my body bear the death 
Of that dying Son of thine. 

Wounded with His every wound, 
Steep my soul till it hath swooned 
In His very blood away.

Be to me, O Virgin, nigh, 
Lest in flames I burn and die,
In His awful Judgment day. 

Christ, when Thou shalt call me hence, 
Be Thy Mother my defense, 
Be Thy Cross my victory.

While my body here decays, 
May my soul Thy goodness praise, 
Safe in Paradise with Thee. Amen.