Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A March To Rome From Paris To Save The Latin Mass

The National Catholic Register  published an article on the procession, scheduled to begin on March 6, from Paris, expecting to arrive in Rome on May 1, to save the Latin Mass.  Quoted below is a paragraph from the article [1]:

The organizers told the Register that the deadline for sending letters, originally set for Dec. 31, will be extended to the day before the march starts to allow the current momentum to build. They also stressed that anyone wishing to defend the Tridentine Mass (including those who don’t attend it) can send a letter to the Pope through La Voie Romaine’s website — which will be available in English and Italian shortly — by mail or through local parish priests, and that the march is open to all. To date, letters and registrations to the upcoming march have already arrived from several countries, including the U.S., Portugal and Mexico.

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