Saturday, June 5, 2021

Saint Norbert Feast Day - 6 June

Quoted from Wikipedia [1]:

Norbert of Xanten (c. 1075 – 6 June 1134) (Xanten-Magdeburg), also known as Norbert Gennep, was a bishop of the Catholic Church, founder of the Premonstratensian order of canons regular, and is venerated as a saint. Norbert was canonized by Pope Gregory XIII in the year 1582...

He avoided ordination to the priesthood and even declined an appointment as bishop of Cambrai in 1113. One day in the spring of 1115, as he rode his horse to Vreden, in the western part of the Münsterland, a thunderbolt from a sudden storm struck at his horse's feet. The animal threw him and he lay unconscious for nearly an hour.[3] After this near-fatal accident, his faith deepened, he renounced his appointment at Court and returned to Xanten to lead a life of penance, placing himself under the direction of Cono, Abbot of St Sigeberg, near Cologne.

At the Council of Reims in October 1119, Pope Calixtus II requested Norbert to found a religious order in the Diocese of Laon in France. On Christmas Day, 1120, Norbert established the Canons Regular of Prémontré.

To celebrate the 900th year of the Norbertines, the tomb of Saint Norbert was opened in December 2020.  The video can be seen on YouTube  entitled Opening of the tomb with the relics of Saint Norbert Strahov. [2]  The tomb is located in Strahov Monastery (Strahovský klášter) [3] in Prague, Czech Republic.

In the United States, in Silverado, California, the Norbertines, stated that "[t]he Norbertine Order was founded by St. Norbert in 1121 A.D." and celebrated the Order's 900th year on May 4, 2021, [4] with a video entitled The Dedication of the New Abbey Church [5].  It is a long video, nearly three and one-half hours.  The total cost was $120,000.000 [6] or $140M [7] for the land and the buildings.  

Another video gives a tour of the buildings under construction:  There is another video tour on YouTube  with ringing of church bells built in France:

[1], quoted with emphasis and hyperlinks.

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