Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sequence From Mass On Pentecost Sunday, And Holy Spirit's Sevenfold Gifts

Copied from The Roman Catholic Daily Missal, 1962, Angelus Press, page 669:


1.  Come, Thou Holy Ghost, come, *
And from They celestial home * Shed
a ray of light divine.

2.  Come, Thou Father of the poor, *
Come, Thou source of all our store, *
come, within our bosoms shine.

3.  Thou of Comforters the best, *
Thou the soul's delightful guest, *
Sweet refreshment here below.

4.  In our labor rest most sweet, *
Pleasant coolness in the heat, * Solace
in the midst of woe.

5.  O most blessed Light divine, * Shine
within these hearts of Thine, * And
our inmost being fill.

6.  Where Thou art not, man hath
nought, * Nothing good indeed or
thought, * Nothing free from taint of

7.  Heal our wounds, our strength re-
new, * On our dryness pour Thy dew. *
Wash the stains of guilt away.

8.  Bend the stubborn heart and will, *
Melt the frozen, warm the chill, *
Guide the steps that go astray.

9.  On Thy faithful who adore, * And
confess Thee evermore, * In Thy
sevenfold gifts descend.

10.  Give them virtue's sure reward, *
Give them They salvation, Lord, * Give
them joys that never end.

Amen. Alleluia.

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit [1]:

1.  Wisdom: helps us judge what is important, meaningful, purposeful, etc.
2.  Understanding: to know something is different from truly understanding it.  I can know a lot of facts about someone, but that is different from truly understanding that person.    
3.  Counsel: helps us differentiate between right and wrong.
4.  Fortitude: courage and endurance.
5.  Knowledge: helps us to know God.
6.  Piety: proper reverence for God, helps us obey God out of love.
7.  Fear of the Lord: proper disdain for sin and awe of God’s goodness and love.

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