Saturday, March 20, 2021

Passion Sunday - 21 March

Qutoed from Wikipedia [1]:

Passiontide (in the Christian liturgical year) is a name for the last two weeks of Lent, beginning on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, long celebrated as Passion Sunday, and ending on Holy Saturday.

Passion Week is a name for the week beginning on Passion Sunday [21 March 2021], as the Fifth Sunday of Lent was once called in the Roman Rite.

In the 1969 revision, Passiontide ceased to be a separate liturgical season and became the Fifth Week of Lent, followed by Holy Week.

Quote in part from [2]:

In the 1962 [Roman Catholic Missal] calendar, the last two weeks of Lent constitute a veritable season within a season. “Passiontide,” which begins with Passion Sunday, is a heightened anticipation of, and preparation for, the Paschal mystery of Our Lord’s death and resurrection. Whereas the earlier weeks of Lent, while still cognizant of Our Lord’s imminent Passion, focus more on the penance and mortification of the faithful, Passiontide focuses more on...the Passion of the Christ. During this time, sacred images in the church are covered as a sign of sorrow, as a way of enlivening our sense of unworthiness, and in order to direct our attention to the mystery of the season...

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