Sunday, February 21, 2021

A Portion Of A Homily For The First Sunday Of Lent Transcribed

The following homily is transcribed, in part (hopefully without too many errors and omissions), from the Holy Mass (Extraordinary Form or "Latin" Mass) - 1st Sunday of Lent 2-21-21, uploaded on YouTube [1]:

The first temptation in this Gospel...focuses on the identity or the nature of Who Jesus is, and on His Divine Power.  "If you are the Son of God," says Satan, "command these stones to become loaves of bread."

Satan wants Jesus to use His Divine Power for His personal benefit.  The temptation ... [is] about ... turning Jesus away from the difficult mission that the Father wills for His Son.

Jesus' mission is not to serve Himself by exploiting His Divinity but to serve others by a life of ... sacrifice including His own life for our redemption.  As Jesus once said, I [did not come here] to be served but to serve...
This lesson teaches one not to exploit one's gifts of talents, intelligence, physical attributes, skills, et cetera, for mere self-satiation but to also be charitable with the abundance of "fruits" gained by these gifts from God.

[1] at, (approximately 22:08 from the beginning).

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