Wednesday, June 3, 2020

George Floyd Inspired Synonyms Not Found In A Thesaurus: Prejudice And Favoritism

Mr. George Floyd died likely from a combination of cardiac arrest and asphyxiation in Minneapolis, Minnesota while under arrest by police for committing possibly a misdemeanor, suspected for passing a US$20 counterfeit bill [1].  His death prompted mass demonstrations not only in the United States but also in parts of Europe [2] and in Canada [3].  Many demonstrations that began peacefully in the United States had unfortunately disintegrated into violence, vandalism and theft [4], [5].  Demonstrations turning violent was mentioned only as part of the background, not central to this blog post.

The underlying cause can be traced to systemic racial discrimination and profiling.  Race is not the only identifier that separates one from another.  There are many others such as regional language accents, physical appearances and handicaps, customs and costumes, food and culture, religions as well as socioeconomic status and so on.  It is unrealistic to think that such demonstrations and non-discrimination laws will affect the ways people think and behave.

For example, in the United States, "[t]he Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Many view it as the attempt to uphold the professed 'all men are created equal' clause written in the Constitution. The Equal protection law implies that no State has the right to deny anyone within jurisdiction equal protection of the law."  [6]  The police force is an extension of the State and has the duty to uphold laws.

In France there is "'Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité'" [7] but that did not deter the 2019 riots in Paris from happening. [8]  In India, the caste system is still alive and well today. [9]

People often prejudge one another based on what they observe and interpret from their personal perspectives.

Prejudice can be very subtle.  When it is silent or unspoken but acted upon affirmatively, it is called favoritism.  One who plays favorites is not as socially reprehensible as one who is clearly prejudiced.  But to the one who has experienced prejudice and who is overlooked again and again favoring someone else who is different in one way or another, there is no difference.  This is the reason for the title of this blog post.  The words "prejudice" and "favoritism" are therefore synonyms.

One ought to follow Christ's examples when treating people who are different.  An example is when Christ talked with a Samaritan woman at the well asking for a drink of water [10].  Another example is what Christ said to His disciples before He ascended into Heaven: "'It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'" [11] [Emphasis  added.]

[4] This is just a sample:
[11], quoted without references.

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