Sunday, February 16, 2020

Bergoglio Sowing Confusion

Vatican News  published an article entitled Pope at Mass: Beware of ‘slippery slide’ toward worldliness  on February 13, 2020.  Quoted below is from the article [1]:

Beware of worldliness

Pope Francis then recalled Psalm 106, to underline how “mingling with the nations” and serving their idols means becoming worldly and pagan.

For us this slippery slide in life is directed toward worldliness. This is the grave sin: ‘Everyone is doing it. Don’t worry about it; obviously it’s not ideal, but…’ We justify ourselves with these words, at the price of losing our faithfulness to the one and only God. They are modern idols. Let us consider this sin of worldliness, of losing the authenticity of the Gospel, the authenticity of the Word of God, and the love of God who gave His life for us. There is no way to maintain a good relationship with God and with the devil.”  [Italics  Original].

What exactly is the worldly "holy father" saying?  He said that "[t]his is a grave sin" and that "'[e]veryone is doing it."  How does he know that everyone is doing it?  The fact that he is doing it does not mean that every one on earth is doing it.

Then he said "'Don't worry about it'" despite what he said a moment ago, that "[t]his is a grave sin."

"'Don't worry about it'" spoken by the "holy father" sounds very much like these words "'You will not certainly die,'" spoken by the Serpent to Eve in the Garden of Eden. [2]

Does that mean Catholics no longer need to go to confession since they need not worry and feel guilty about having committed grave sins, even though "it's not ideal"?

Then Bergoglio ended this part by saying that "[t]here is no way to maintain a good relationship with God and with the devil."  If this is the case, then how does one maintain a good relationship with either one or the other?  Perhaps Bergoglio is wrong because the way to maintain a good relationship with the Devil is to confuse, obfuscate the Truth, create doubt and pretend to love God which Bergoglio had so adeptly and craftily done to the delight of his mentor in Hell.

What is the purpose of Bergoglio's existence when Bergoglio, the head of the Catholic Church, cannot identify clearly the path to eternal salvation.  Is it to lead souls to ruin?

Then Bergoglio went on to say the following in his concluding remarks [3]:

“Let us ask the Lord for the grace to understand when our heart begins to weaken and to slide, so that we can stop. His grace and love will stop that slide if we ask in prayer.” [Italics  Original].

Why bother?

"...this slippery slide in life is directed toward worldliness. This is the grave sin: ‘Everyone is doing it. Don’t worry about it;..."  Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis I

[4] Ibid.

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