Monday, March 5, 2018


It has been a while since an entry based on original thoughts was posted on this blog because the mind has been troubled by the unexpected and it has shut down temporarily.  This blogger hopes to be able to recover from a betrayal of trust by those whom he had thought would never do such a thing.

If Judas Iscariot did not hang himself, would the rest of the apostles trust him again?

Can anyone imagine how difficult the Last Supper was for Jesus Who knew beforehand that Judas Iscariot would betray Him and how difficult it was to humble Himself and wash the feet of Judas Iscariot [1]?

Judas Iscariot was not the first betrayer.  Eve was.  She betrayed God's trust in her by saying yes to the Serpent's temptation that she (and Adam) would "be like gods..." [2]  The second betrayer was Cain.  He betrayed Abel's brotherly trust and love.  Not knowing what to expect, Abel followed Cain out to the field where Cain killed him. [3]

Betrayal is alive and well in this world, and so is Satan.

[1], 1-11.
[2], at 5.
[3], 1-8.

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