Sunday, October 22, 2017

God's Gifts

Many who receive God's gifts most likely already know this, that God's gifts are envied by those who have never received them, besides the gift of life which many take for granted.  Those envious of God's gifts received by others will want to take them, by cheating, demanding or some other means.  The correct response is to let them take whatever they want.  There is no need to assert ownership over them.  If the gifts are truly from God, then whatever that was given but taken will be given again, and these subsequent gifts are better and more plentiful.  The typical saying goes like this: "When God Shuts One Door, He Opens Another." [1]  In this blogger's experience, when God opens a door, and someone else enters and closes it, God will open better doors and many more of them.

Be humble, have faith and live in God's land of plenty.

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