Sunday, November 13, 2016

VIP Catholics

This blogger never knew that there are VIP Catholics that can get VIP seats at Mass at the Vatican until today.  Quoted in part below is from an article entitled "Pope Francis gives homeless people VIP seats at Vatican mass" in the guardian  dated November 13, 2016 [1]:

Homeless people received VIP seats to a special mass in St Peter’s Basilica on Sunday, where Pope Francis stressed the need to avoid exclusionary views that reject those in need.

Along with cardinals and other prelates dressed in impeccably pressed bright green vestments, homeless people sat near the ornate central altar.

The pope elaborated on his recent comments encouraging policies of social inclusion, at a time when the popularity of politicians who advocate exclusionary policies toward migrants of other religions, races or ethnicities is rising in several developed countries.

This blogger believes that all people are children of God, all of them loved equally by God but in different ways.  Those who believe in and abide by God have the duty to pray for those who stray from God.  The pope's job is therefore to pray, not to make veiled attacks upon those whose political views may not be aligned with the Vatican's.  This pope has failed time and again to let the holiness of God to shine through (perhaps he has none) and to perform his duties as a shepherd who would go far and wide to search for the sheep that have strayed, assuming that the shepherd is herding his flock in the direction of God and not in the direction of Satan and assuming that the sheep that have strayed are headed toward Satan and not toward God.  These days, this blogger is not certain that the pope himself is going in the direction he is supposed to be going.

Not only does this pope not pray for strayed sheep (which may have strayed because they see that the shepherd is blind and is headed toward Hell instead of Heaven), he censures them believing that he is infallible which he certainly is not.  Having VIP seats at his Mass for his VIP guests is evidence of his fallibility since Christ never had a VIP section reserved for very important guests.

Segregating Catholics between those who are given VIP seats from those non-VIP Catholics who would surely be removed by security should they happen to sit in the VIP section without prior authorization is an exclusionary practice that is repugnant to this blogger.  Every sinner is equal and every sinner who attends Mass is a Very Important Person ("VIP") in the eyes of the Lord, but probably not the sinners at a Mass celebrated by a Satan surrogate where the attendees are more enamored with the celebrant than with Christ.  To be clear, there are no VIPs in the eyes of the Lord. Everyone is special; everyone is loved.  Everyone is invited to the Lord's Supper, including the likes of Judas Iscariot.

Jesus said, "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.  As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me.  This is the bread which came down out of heaven; not as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live forever.” [2]  Jesus did not say only VIP Catholics can eat His flesh and drink His blood.  On the contrary, all are welcomed equally to join Christ at Supper and partake in eternal life, with no preference given to those who had been handed tickets by this pope to sit in the VIP section at his Mass.

Again, this pope was using the poor and homeless people as a theatrical prop to dramatize a point he wanted to make, just like he did when he used a similar (or maybe the same) group of people as a backdrop to help raise funds for his "charitable" work. [3]

This blogger cannot be more disillusioned with this creature that is seated at the throne of Peter and wishes to join with "'The Society of Saint Pius X [to pray] and [do] penance [(may be not penance)] for [this entity], that he might have the strength to proclaim Catholic faith and morals in their entirety.'" [3]

Quoted in part below is from an article entitled "St. Pius X society abandons unification, claims Francis spreading errors" published by the National Catholic Reporter  on June 29, 2016:

A traditionalist group of Catholic bishops and priests that has been separated from the wider church for decades appears to have abandoned efforts to reunite with Rome, releasing a statement Wednesday that claims Pope Francis is encouraging the spreading of errors in church teaching.

The Society of St. Pius X, founded by the late French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1970 [5] mainly in opposition to the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, says now it "does not primarily seek a canonical recognition" from the Vatican for its continuing activities.

The society also says there is a "great and painful confusion that currently reigns in the Church" that "requires the denunciation of errors that have made their way into it and are unfortunately encouraged by a large number of pastors, including the Pope himself.

Perhaps the earthquake within the Catholic Church has already started to shake.  As with naturally occurring earthquakes, there can be many aftershocks, with a few of them possibly having greater magnitudes than the original earthquake, with enough force to rock the Church to its very foundation, leaving only its cornerstone standing Who is Christ Himself. [6]

Of course, this blogger could be very wrong about the pope without realizing it, and the blogger himself could very well be the appointed self-righteous agent of Satan, a VIP Catholic from Hell, whose sole purpose of existence is to level criticisms against this pope.  This blogger prays that he is not Satan's minion, and that his blog entries help bring others and himself close to Christ and Christ to the forefront of everyone's minds (at least the minds of the few who read and tolerate his drivel).

[2], references omitted.
[5] Even the Society of Saint Pius X is not perfect in this blogger's opinion because it admires Padre Pio, a saint whose claims of stigmata is not without doubt. See  Is Satan truly everywhere?

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