Friday, September 16, 2016

Modern Idolatry

This blog has no intention of endorsing any manufacturer nor will a mention of one will have any impact on its business because of the blog's scant readership. [1]  Of interest are those scenes around the world showing throngs of idolators lining up for the next i-phone. [2]  The crowds for the latest i-phone 7 were far smaller in comparison. [3]  Were the ones who were not in line to buy the newest i-phone lining up for the next Mass at the nearest church?  That probably did not happen.

Why is God not as popular as the i-phone or any android phone for the tech idolators?  Are God's miracles are not instantaneous enough and gratifying enough?  Maybe they are not being noticed enough.  Where do these idolators think their lives and the lives of their Facebook friends and Twitter followers, many never-met, come from?  Do they meditate on their own lives and life's purposes in general or do they simply exist for one new gadget after another, so that when they become decrepit they can reminisce with pride the many gadgets they had gone through and the many Facebook friends and Twitter followers they once had?

Has cheap technology become vital to the lives of secular idolators?  Does the possession of the latest gadgets define who they are?  Are their lives subject to the same obsolescence as their easily replaceable objects?  Do the idolators, like vampires that need fresh blood, have to sink their teeth into the next hottest invention and drain the freshness from it in order to "live"?

What if there is an unexpected magnetic storm in the Solar System of which earth is a part that causes all space satellites to malfunction so that no app would work and all cell phones would be junk?  Are tech idolators trained to navigate their lives independent of their satellite-enabled compasses?  If not, would the world then be full of smart phone-deprived zombies roaming around without a destination and a purpose in life?  Would that not be like Hell on earth?  On the contrary, perhaps that could potentially be a remaking of Heaven on earth.

[1] For the sake of full disclosure, this blogger is not affiliated in any way with the company Apple and is not a shareholder of Apple.  He does, however, have a smart phone that is not an i-phone.
[2] A collection of photographs on Google images showing idolators lining up for the i-phone over the years can be seen here.
[3] Lines for the newest i-phone 7 can be seen here.

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