Saturday, June 4, 2016

A Marian Apparition In Argentina

In San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina (approximately 238.3 kilometers northwest of Buenos Aires per Google), the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus appeared to a housewife named Gladys Herminia Quiroga de Motta ["Gladys"] from October 13, 1983, to February 11, 1990. [1]

The apparitions were declared official by Bishop Hector Cardelli on May 22, 2016. [2]

"Notice [October 13 is] the anniversary of the last vision at Fatima and [February 11] is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes." [3]  It was on October 13, 1983, that the Blessed Virgin Mary first spoke to Gladys even though She first appeared to Gladys on September 25, 1983. [4]

"The basic message of the apparitions is the same as every other Marian apparition--repent, pray, be obedient to Christ and follow His will." [5]  However, there are likely some words that are unique to every apparition.  This blogger has not read every word of the Blessed Virgin Mary had said in Her apparitions, but these, among many quoted in the article cited, resonate with him more than the others: "'My daughter,' Mary said, 'when a heart opens to the heart of the mother, it stays there.  When a heart abandons itself to the heart of a mother, she will shape it and guide it to her Son.  In this heart will be found purity, love, humility...'" [6]

And these:  "'The soul must unite itself to Christ each day, and for that, there is nothing better than Holy Communion: the Food of the soul for life.'" [7]

And of course these:  "'God gives complete freedom and he allows each make his own choice: to purify oneself or to live in sin, grow in Christ or be annihilated.'" And in Jesus' own words, these: "'My heart wishes the salvation of all souls and loves them, even those who are in sin.'" [8], [9]

[4] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] The words of Jesus: "My heart wishes the salvation of all souls" are consistent with God's gift of Free Will.  The gift of Free Will is, in this blogger's opinion, the greatest act of humility because it requires infinite restraint for someone who has the power to do anything to stand by and watch so many unconditionally loved sons and daughters, one by one, to fall freely and permanently into sin and beyond the grasp of salvation, to reject God and stand with Satan willingly.

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