Friday, March 25, 2016

A Crucifixion Like No Other

Today is Good Friday.

Jesus was not the only person who was crucified.  "Crucifixion was common in the first century Israel and this fact is well documented in the writings of Josephus." [1]  Indeed, two unidentified and nameless prisoners were crucified on either side of Jesus [2]; however, it was the crucifixion of Jesus that is known around the world.

What is so special about the crucifixion of Jesus that ranks above all the others?  The answer is simple:  Jesus was the sinless  Son of God.

No other person, old or young, who was crucified was free from Original Sin and all the other sins (not that any one of them deserved to be tortured and crucified because of Original Sin and his other sins).  This assertion merely distinguishes Jesus' crucifixion from all others since Jesus was no ordinary man. [3]

[3] Anyone who thinks that there might have been others who were crucified could have been entirely "innocent" or perhaps that Jesus was not completely sin-free is, in this blogger's opinion, destined for Hell unless there is true repentance.

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