Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Right To Die Now Legal In California

California governor Jerry Brown, "a lifelong Catholic and former Jesuit seminarian" signed into law "legislation [on] Monday[, October 5, 2015,] allowing terminally ill people in the nation's most populous state to take their own lives." [1], [2]

Suicide in California is henceforth officially state-sanctioned and state-sponsored.  This is yet another step forward toward secularization by the state since life is no longer being treasured as a gift from God but something that is devoid of meaning and hope.

God has allowed man Free Will to do as he pleases, and if he so chooses to end his life because of a terminal disease, to give up hope in God for a miracle cure, then God will let him do so.  When one who is diagnosed as terminally ill takes his own life, he is saying to God that not only does he not want to wait for God's healing, he also does not believe that God is able to heal, and perhaps that he does not believe in God at all.

For those choosing to extinguish their lives, this law requires "that patients be physically capable of taking the medication themselves, that two doctors approve it, that the patients submit several written requests and that there be two witnesses, one of whom is not a family member." [3]

This law thus embraces the concept of a self-imposed death penalty (the crime for which is being born to live a life given by God), and legalizes at least two crimes, including the conspiracy to commit murder and murder by lethal medication, contravening one of the Ten Commandments: "[t]hou shalt not kill." [4]

Those who think that this form of euthanasia is merciful ought to think again.  Far from being merciful, this kind of consensual murder-suicide is selfish: selfish from the perspective of the person suffering in the flesh who is unwilling to share in the suffering of Christ and to give the soul a chance to be purified through suffering in order to enter Heaven, and selfish from the perspective of the relatives who no longer want to be burdened by a dying body, wishing to get on with their own lives.

In theory, every human life from its conception is a dying body as new cells grow to replace the old ones (even as the body is developing and maturing for development and maturation can be deemed as the early stages of aging) until some point is reached when the new cells that are replacing the old ones are no longer able to regenerate in a manner that optimizes their intended functions due to Original Sin.

Not many people look forward to experience a dying body going through "prolonged and excruciating pain" [5] but to legitimize artificial life-ending procedures is barbaric secularism that pleases Satan for it is ready to welcome to Hell all who take for granted and who are dead to God's gift of life with an eternity of excruciating pain  that no medication can dull and no death can end. [6]

[1] http://bigstory.ap.org/article/a580f42e5ffe48f0b71991272f0e972e/california-governor-signs-hard-won-right-die-legislation, accessed October 5, 2015.  See footnote [2] below.
[2] The article and quoted words were accessed on October 5, 2015, when this blogger started composing this entry.  The article had since been re-written and re-dated as of October 6, 2015, with many of the words that appeared in the original article deleted.  This blogger chose not to revise what was quoted on October 5, 2015.
[3] http://bigstory.ap.org/article/a580f42e5ffe48f0b71991272f0e972e/california-governor-signs-hard-won-right-die-legislation
[4] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+20%3A13&version=KJV
[5] http://bigstory.ap.org/article/a580f42e5ffe48f0b71991272f0e972e/california-governor-signs-hard-won-right-die-legislation  This blogger assumes that excruciating pain can be dulled by medication and that one does not need to take a lethal dose intentionally that leads to death.  He also believes that prayers can help attenuate pain if not alleviate it entirely in God's time.
[6] No prayer can help either because this blogger imagines that prayers are erased from the memory in Hell, forbidden to be formed and said in Hell and cannot be heard in Heaven.  Most likely, souls in Hell know what prayers are and how powerful they can be while in the flesh but not being to pray to and be heard by God torments them endlessly.

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