Friday, July 10, 2015

Top Christian Turns Investment Advisor

The pope had asked all Catholics "to dump stocks with heavy exposure to coal and other greenhouse-gas-emitting energy sources." [1]  This presumes that the world would be better off for humanity when investors hold a "holy equity portfolio" which is well-diversified across all industries other than those that are supposedly environmentally irresponsible leading to global warming, but investing in companies that weaponize aircrafts, ships, vehicles and the earth's natural resources as well as companies that profit from the sale of alcohol, tobacco and firearms are no better off for humanity but the pope is silent on them.

The pope ought to stay out of the secular world, be holy, and inspire people to take the path of Christ by living a life of simplicity and holiness, like his namesake saint, Francesco d'Assisi, not by spouting platitudes on topics of which he and the scientific community he relies on do not a full understanding.  If he had implored the world's Catholics all to live simply, without being consumers of goods that rely on fossil fuels to generate, then global warming would likely slow down by about one-seventh. [2], [3]

As an aside, the world is generally becoming warmer.  Is that so terrible?  When one becomes sick, one's immune system reacts to combat that sickness.  When the globe is imbalanced, this blogger surmises that it reacts like the human immune system but unlike one's immune system which may not be able to overcome all illnesses, the world's self-regenerating ability will preserve the world's existence, likely at the expense of the human race, by becoming so hot and so frigid that it would sanitize everything, returning itself to its original Garden of Eden condition, in order to start over.

If the pope is truly serious about the environment and if global-warming is to be stemmed, he should not simply ask Catholic investors to sell their stocks in companies that depend heavily on fossil fuels but to take a courageous step forward and announce to the world that it must use nuclear power, except Japan, a country with a recorded history of earthquakes and tsunamis [4] but had failed to relocate its nuclear plants away from the sea.  He should further ask the oil-rich countries, especially the group in the Mideast, including Iran, [5] to build as many air-cooled  nuclear power plants [6] as needed for their own energy consumption.  He should also ask the scientific community to miniaturize air-cooled nuclear generators so that public buildings, high rise offices, apartments and individual homes around the world can have them for their electrical needs.  If global warming is now at a critical stage, then he should ask the world to stop all transportation that relies on the use fossil fuel, directly and  indirectly, and live the lifestyle of the traditional Amish people who travel using the horse and buggy (carriage). [7]

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