Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Pope's Call To Stop Violence

"In a Sept. 17 speech to his ambassadors, Pope Francis urged the nuncios to always be aware of the threats that attack their flocks, even seeking to 'disperse and even destroy it.' 
"He pointed specifically to the many conflicts raging throughout the Middle East, noting that 'the violent siege seems to aim, with the complicit silence of many, toward their eradication.' 
"He highlighted the importance of going to the root of the underlying problem, and to then discern 'the possible paths to counter their causes and tackle their pitfalls.'" [1]
To the root of the problem the nuncios did go.  They "issued 'a pressing appeal' to the international community and to those with governing responsibilities to 'strive ever more effectively to stop violence.'" [2]  The appeal is laudable but ineffective since it is those with "governing responsibilities" who started the conflicts in the Mideast in the first place, in Iraq, in Syria, then in Libya.  To ask them to stop the violence is like asking Satan helpers to do the work of God.  That is not going to happen for these governing creatures are more concerned with their pride and legacies (written in blood spilt by victims of regime change) than those who might not have had easy lives under certain dictators but nonetheless had lives and homes. [3], [4], [5], [6]

Addressing the plight of Christians in the Mideast in 2016 has come too late, but addressing it any earlier would have made no difference.  For the pope to then ask his nuncios to find solutions to end the violence is to ask them to end the reign of those who have been Satanized in the world.  That can be done over Satan's dead body, as if Satan had a body that can die.

If the pope is Catholic, why has he not heeded the repeated advice of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Her many apparitions to pray the rosary, for example, in Fatima, Portugal [7], in Kibeho, Rwanda [8], and in San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina [9], rather than asking his nuncios to fashion secular political solutions to problems that are inherently evil?  Quoted below, in part, is the Blessed Virgin Mary's message in San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina [10] [Emphasis added]:

The battle with Satan 
Today the world is confused, very confused. Evil appears to be the only solution. Mankind is being lead by Satan to the deepest of the abysses, to the total condemnation of the soul. Fortunate those that want to see clear in their hearts. Fortunate those that stop to meditate. Fortunate those that are lead by the Mother. Glory be to the Eternal one. In these times of great confusions and so little light in the souls, my purest light will be the one that guides you in the middle of so much darkness. I will help you to overcome all uncertainty. This Mother will make your encounter with the Son possible. For this it is necessary to become small and to give in to my Heart. 
The demon acts ferociously, do not be astonished. He attacks without compassion surrounding everything what he can touch. Pray my children, prayer fortifies. You are called by Jesus Christ to pray. The prince of evil spills today his poison with all the forces, because he sees that he is concluding his sad reign. He has little left, his end is near. 
In these times in which the poison of the evil one seems to contaminate everything, the Lord becomes evident for the salvation of souls. 
The enemy is defying me very ruthlessly, is openly tempting my children. It is a fight between the light and the darkness. It is a constant persecution to my dear Church.
The Holy Rosary is the most feared weapon of the enemy. Santo Rosario is the weapon to which the enemy fears to him. It is also the refuge for those seeking relief, and is also the door to enter my Heart
It is in fact this time, a precious time that does not have to be wasted but to be taken advantage of. The Redeemer is offering to the world the way to face the death that is Satan; is offering as He did from the Cross, His Mother, mediator of all grace.

[2] Ibid.
[4] Christians under Bashar al-Assad: http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/03/25/syrian-christians-look-to-assad-regime-for-protection-from-jihadis/
[5] Christians under Muammar Gaddafi: http://www.barenakedislam.com/2013/03/16/libya-christian-copts-were-fine-under-gaddafi-now-theyre-being-tortured-under-obamas-boys/
[6] Muammar Gaddafi's warning: http://theantimedia.org/after-me-the-jihad-gaddafi-tried-to-warn-the-west-but-nobody-listened/
[7] Fatima apparation: https://www.catholiccompany.com/getfed/five-prayers-taught-at-fatima-by-mary-the-angels/
[8] Kibeho apparation: http://kibeho-sanctuary.com/index.php/en/liturgy/holy-rosary
[9] San Nicolás de los Arroyos apparation: https://churchpop.com/2016/05/23/secret-messages-lady-san-nicolas-newly-approved-vision/
[10] Ibid.

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