Wednesday, August 10, 2016


This entry has nothing to do with "a county in southeast England" [1] called Middlesex but everything to do with the "'annihilation of man as image of God.'" [2]  "The Williams Institute says there are nearly 700,000 people living publicly as transgender in the U.S.  Each one is unique, and their journeys are personal.  Some say they are the opposite sex of what they were assigned at birth.  Some feel they are both male and female. Still others don't identify as either gender." [3]

Whether one considers oneself as "the opposite sex," "both male and female" or neither male nor female, this blogger considers them all to be "middlesex," a gender somewhere along the continuum between male and female, although not necessarily positioned right in the middle--in that way, the term used here is somewhat of a misnomer.

Indeed, every man and women exists along this continuum in terms of how they behave and how they look.  Men who have a hint of feminine features have been called "cute" and women with a dose of masculinity have in some cases chosen fighting as their profession.

Neither men who are "cute" nor women who make their living by fighting were the people the pope was addressing.  He was talking about the middlesexers who do not agree with their biological anatomy announced by the delivery room doctor who when "a child is born, ... says, 'It’s a boy' or 'It’s a girl,'" [4] except that nowadays, pregnant mothers can find out the gender of their babies when they have their ultrasound. [5]  Even then, the ultrasound technician is not going to tell an expectant mother that her baby is a middlesexer as opposed to a boy or a girl because "middlesex" is a state of mind, not an immutable physical characteristic that will show up on the ultrasound, but that is not stopping some people from wanting their birth gender reassigned and/or mutilated.

"[The pope on August 3, 2016,] said: 'Today, in schools they are teaching this to children – to children! – that everyone can choose their gender.' Without specifying, he blamed this on textbooks supplied by 'persons and institutions who donate money'. The pope blamed what he called 'ideological colonizing' backed by 'very influential countries', which he did not identify." [6]

"[The pope] argued that any attempt to cancel our differences in the two genders is merely an indicator that society 'no longer knows how to deal with it.'  He [also] deride[d] any ideology that 'denies the difference and reciprocity in nature of a man and a woman and envisages a society without sexual differences, thereby eliminating the anthropological basis of the family.'" [7]  "[H]is predecessor, [Emeritus Pope] Benedict XVI ha[d] labeled [gender alteration] 'the epoch of sin against God the Creator.'" [8]

Both popes are right.  It is by no mistake that God created man to be male and female and not any other gender.  To reject the gift of Creation is to reject Creation itself.  In a letter, the pope "state[d] that 'the young need to be helped to accept their own body as it was created' since believing we have 'absolute power over our own bodies' might lead to the belief that 'we enjoy absolute power over creation.'" [9] In fact, it is Satan that truly wants to have power over God's creation, to destroy God's most beloved creation of all, man.

Stating the obvious does not explain how this phenomenon has arisen.  Could it be a genetic mutation, a psychological imbalance of some sort, or a Satanic possession that occurred at some point?  This blogger does not know, but he does know (restating the obvious) that Satan wants people to reject themselves who bear the image of God, thereby rejecting God and all of creation.  Therefore, not only those who are middlesexers, but also those who endorse gender alteration, are doing Satan's work, by supporting conversions from human, in a natural state of being, to mutant, in an unnatural state of existence.

Rejection of Divine Creation means the acceptance of a substitute creation, made possible by the replacement of biologically organic life and naturally derived freedoms with artificially-constructed realities and legislation-enforced rights.

Gender is part of Divine Creation.  It is not a cancer to be excised or a birth defect to be corrected, or some kind of physical handicap.  Middlesexers can hold a job just like any male or female, and they can do things in life just like their non-transgender relatives and friends.  Perhaps they can even do things that would make this world a better place for everyone, things that neither males nor females in their traditional gender roles would ever think of doing, because middlesexers have unique mental states that are inaccessible to others, and they can do them without having to alter their physical characteristics (sometimes, it is out of suffering that the best of human's potential can be known and realized).

Why, then, are middlesexers given so much attention?  And where do the supporters of middlesexers come from?  Two middlesex parents?  Can they even procreate after their sex-change operations?  Are middlesexers so disordered that they ought to be relegated to the fringes of society?  This blogger thinks not: they are part of society's fabric as much as anyone else.  Within it, every person is different with unique hardships to endure and pains to suffer.  Many understand that to be life, and do not call attention to themselves and are not given public attention, unlike people with gender conflicts.

The middlesex bell has rung, however, and it is still ringing. The clarion call has been heard by governments, in schools and churches.  Have middlesexers benefited from all this attention?

Life for them would probably not be any more pleasant with the attention than without it, for self-hate is a personal burden that cannot be lifted by society.  Most people are likely not responding well to their demands, perhaps not even their most ardent advocates (only in private, of course, especially when extra costs have to be incurred by their businesses to accommodate the special needs of middlesexers, and having to deal with those who simply do not like being in the presence of middlesexers--and there are many more of these in the world than there are closet-racists).

Perhaps middlesexers are merely pawns of those who are liberal and radicalized, secular and Satanic, using them as ammunition against those who are centrist or conservative, religious and God-loving, to irk them.  If there is a war that is undeclared, this is one. [10]

Middlesexers ought not to be caught in the middle of a political a war among centrists, leftists and rightists.  If middlesexness is a mental disorder, then middlesexers ought to receive care.  If not, then they ought not to be given any special treatment, from the use of washrooms [11] to having books in school that encourage gender deviance and choice.

This is not draconian.  Of course middlesexers feel pain in their lives, like some others who also do not feel like they fit in, and are suffering deeply, a kind of pain that nobody in the secular world cares about or understands since it is spiritual. Because their pain stems from the longing for the love of God and are not aligned with the values of a permissive, increasingly radicalized, secular, liberal and hypocritical [12] society, these sufferers are invisible and therefore politically mute.  Nobody actually suffering under this kind of spiritual pain has come to this blogger's mind but he hopes that some do exist, for their very existence gives hope to mankind.

[4] Ibid.
[10] Quoted from an article dated August 9, 2016: "Pope Francis made comments last week that reveal the most important single thing you need to know about the modern world: The most dynamic religion of the last hundred years has been leftism. Not Christianity, and not Islam, but leftism. Leftism has taken over the world's leading educational institutions, the world's news media and the world's popular entertainment, and it has influenced Christianity (and Judaism) far more than Christianity (or Judaism) has influenced anything."  See
[12] If a person "feels" that he/she is more canine than human, would he/she be permitted to wear nothing but his/her own skin and perform bodily functions in a restaurant, a legislator's office or while on a stroll anywhere on the planet?  From the previous post, "the shrewd, petty, unloving-of neighbor and do-anything-you-want-so-long-as-you-don't-step-on-my-rights people" would never allow it, not because any waste-matter would magically levitate and "step on" their right to keep their squeaky clean shoes clean (matching their conscience) but because they want to have the right not to step on any of it.  Would the passage of legislation prohibiting these canine-identified individuals from expressing their "true character" in every way not be a form of prejudice and intolerance so despised by this "highly-evolved" righteous, secular, non-judgmental, permissive and non-hypocritical society?  What kind of law, if any, would human rights advocates pass for them?  Are canine-identified people not humans too who deserve human rights?  Of course an argument could be made that being canine-identified is different from being middlesex and that canine-identified persons are not sanitary in their behaviors, but then neither are real dogs.

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