To my surprise, replied to my e-mail.  I replied.  The exchange is copied below:
Thank you, sincerely, Martin, for your reply.  I will think deeply about your edifying words and start with this question which I will answer in my blog:

Was God a victim of perfection in goodness by giving Adam and Eve Free Will?

God Bless.


From: Universalis
To: (deleted by Al)
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: Midday Prayer Friday 27 September 2013

Well, we didn't write this: the Church did. The Congregation for Divine Worship would be the people to consult.

The hymn "Victimae paschali laudes" is ancient - and of course Christ is represented as a sacrificial victim (a sheep, in fact) in the Agnus Dei at every Mass.

At 22:48 27/09/2013 -0700, you wrote:
Dear Unversalis,

First of all, thank you for the website.

Today, I have questions on one of the prayers at Sext.  The prayer follows with the word in question highlighted:

Let us pray.
Lord Jesus Christ,
  who at this sixth hour, when the whole world was shrouded in darkness,
  mounted the wood of the cross
  as the innocent victim for our redemption,
give us always that light
  which will bring us to eternal life.
You live and reign for ever and ever.

Why is Christ, the Son of God who chose freely to obey His Father, to suffer and be crucified for the redemption of Sin, a victim?  Can Christ Who is part of the Holy Trinity can ever be a victim?  Was Christ not someone who could have walked away from the Cross freely by choosing a different birth, a different path, or by submitting Himself to the will of the ruling Jews and Romans?  Was He not trying to set an example for all of us, to become leaders, to speak His Truth, to become His warriors, to battle for and become a testament to the Truth?  Is it not true that a victim has the right to blame others for their plight?  Did any of Christ's disciples blame anyone for theirs?  Do you think any one of them would consider themselves to be hapless victims rather than saviors of souls?  Do you think that Christ ever thought the He was a victim of circumstances beyond His control and therefore we can rightly consider Him to be a "victim"?

I would be most grateful if you are able to answer my questions and enlighten me.

Thank you.

Martin Kochanski
Webmaster, Universalis
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