Saturday, September 7, 2013

Another Thought On Good And Evil

Good which comes from God is constant, unwavering and eternal, and it is always present.  If goodness has a human image, it is one with open arms and a welcoming smile waiting patiently for us to approach.  It is not an action figure, but rather a passive one.  This is because we have been given Free Will to either embrace or reject it.  Therefore it does not come toward us; we have to go toward it.  The steps going toward the good are not easy steps because we are predisposed to Original Sin, and its variations are chains around our bodies that weigh us down, keeping us from moving forward easily.  In order to proceed toward goodness, we must remove link by link from each interlocking chain that enslaves us.

In contrast, evil is not a creation of God; it exists by default because of Free Will [1].  Since Free Will exists co-extensively with goodness, it is always present and therefore evil, which is derived from Free Will making the wrong choice, too, is always present.  Evil was manifested when Adam and Eve bit into the forbidden fruit and when Lucifer rebelled against God.  And when Lucifer became Hell's Satan, evil became far more sophisticated because the Fallen Angel continues to possess the extreme intellect of an angel and has used that intellect to make evil almost irresistible to humans, creatures that Lucifer has always despised.

If evil has a human image, it is one that has a seductive smile that awakens sinful desires and it is beckoning with seductive fingers on the hand of an outstretched arm, motioning us to approach, almost touching us.  Evil is an action figure and its craftiness compels us to act.  The temptations are so powerful that unless we resist them, we fall into Satan's trap that offers one temptation after another, with each successive temptation more desirable than the last until we begin to create or imagine for ourselves temptations that we desire and that we continuously seek but not find.  That one day when we realize what has been happening, we will see the sign: Welcome to Hell!  Hopefully, it is not too late to unchain ourselves completely and fly toward the open arms of goodness that have been waiting so patiently for our return.

[1] The serpent in the Garden of Eden is not in and of itself evil because temptation in and of itself is not evil, but the inability to resist it is evil.  Then the next question is whether Adam and Eve's desire to be powerful like God an evil thing created by God.  My answer is no because Free Will necessitates the rejection of good.  Evil therefore exists by default.

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