Monday, November 19, 2018

Conference Of Bishops In Baltimore 2018

Quoted from Catholic News Agency  in an article entitled Cupich and Wuerl collaborated on alternative sex abuse proposal  dated November 16, 2018 [1]:

The conference’s proposed plan would have established an independent lay-led commission to investigate allegations against bishops. The Cupich-Wuerl plan would instead send allegations against bishops to be investigated by their metropolitan archbishops, along with archdiocesan review boards. Metropolitans themselves would be investigated by their senior suffragan bishops.

It has become clear that the Catholic Church prefers to do its own dirty laundry, assuming that it gets around to doing it in the first place, rather than sending it out to the cleaners for fear that they will uncover so much dirt that cannot be removed easily.

That Catholic Church has shown that it is no different from any other non-religious institution that has for its primary objective which is the need for self-preservation in order to continue to operate as an on-going concern without regard to those for whom it exists to serve.

The Church for which God sacrificed His only Son is not this Catholic Church which is mired in scandals and politics and run by hypocrites and unholy men who show no signs of humility and poverty and no interest in spending time to "lead the souls entrusted to their care toward an intimate relationship with the Lord." [2]  If their souls are not already dammed, may they waste no time in seeking forgiveness and mercy through repentence and supplication before God while restoring the Catholic Church that Christ by His crucifixion, death and resurrection had raised in three days. [3]

[2], section 9; also at, 9th page
[3], paragraph 19.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

"Good works don’t make the news"

 Quoted from [1]:

At Mass at the Casa Santa Marta [on or about "15 November 2018" [2]], the Pope comments on the day’s Gospel, saying that the Church is made manifest “in the Eucharist and in good works.” [Emphasis original.]

The Church grows “in simplicity, in silence, in praise, in the Eucharistic sacrifice, in fraternal community, where all are loved,” and none are rejected. That was the message of Pope Francis during the daily Mass celebrated in the chapel at Casa Santa Marta. Commenting on the day’s Gospel (Lk 17:20-25), the Pope said that the Kingdom of God “is not spectacular,” and that it grows in silence. [Emphasis original.]

Good works don’t make the news 
The Church, he said, is manifested “in the Eucharist and in good works,” even if they don’t “make the news.” The Bride of Christ has a temperament given to silence; she produces fruit “without making a fuss,” without “sounding the trumpet, like the Pharisees”: [Emphasis original.]

The good works of the Church that "is manifested in the Eucharist and in good works" are not in the news because Bergoglio himself does not bring them to the forefront.  Bergoglio seems to be mostly preoccupied with political matters both internal and external and obsessed with power, relegating the Eucharist, the Church and the true Word of God to the sidelines.  Thus, it is no surprise that the article cited has this caption: "Good works don't make the news."
