Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Refrain: "A Saint In Hell - Is That Possible?"

An entry entitled "A Saint In Hell - Is That Possible" was posted on April 28, 2014, on this blog.  Unfortunately, the You Tube video that was cited is no longer available.  It showed Angelica Zambrano who was a little girl at the time giving a fast-spoken and convincing testimony in her native tongue (with a voice-over in English) about a vision she had of John Paul 2, a former pope and a recent saint, in Hell.  Having been a popular pope for decades, it is not surprising that Angelica Zambrano's vision was not to be believed by most.

That John Paul 2 could be in Hell is not entirely out of the realm of possibility now that there is corroborating evidence.  BBC News had been shown "hundreds of letters and photographs that tell the story of Pope John Paul II's close relationship with a married woman [Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka], which lasted more than 30 years." [1]

There is no need to elaborate further on a man who is supposedly the Vicar of Christ and a saint who without any compunction possessed the the love and the heart of a married woman to the exclusion of her husband, Hendrik S. Houthakker [2].  Whether the former pope and saint had sexual relations with Mrs. Houthakker is irrelevant since "anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." [3]

[1] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35542708
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hendrik_S._Houthakker
[3] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A28

Friday, February 12, 2016

A Southward Papacy

In this blogger's opinion, this papacy is not headed northward toward Heaven but in the opposite direction.

Recently, the pope dispatched over a thousand "new hand-picked 'super confessors' to forgive those who have sinned so badly that they can only normally be pardoned by the pontiff himself." [1]

"In a bid to win back the hearts of people who have left the Catholic Church, the 'missionaries of mercy' will hear the confessions of the worst of all sins - from attempting to assassinate the pope to spitting out blessed bread and wine in Church [or anywhere else].

"Since the 12th century, those guilty of these so-called 'reserved sins' had their cases evaluated by a secret tribunal in the tiny Vatican city state before they were sent before the pope, who would determine an appropriate penance.

"Now, 1,142 priests and monks from around the world have be [sic] given the power, for the Vatican's Jubilee Year, to forgive sinners in their flocks - and possibly fellow priests as one of the special sins is breaking the seal of confession." [2]

One can view this as a charitable act by a forgiving pope, but this blogger sees a pope who is full of himself and who has overstepped his bounds by delegating a serious responsibility, including the forgiveness of sins of desecration, that has been in place since the 12th century to 1,142 priests and monks.  The fact that for some 800 years such sins are only to be evaluated by the pope underscores the weight and magnitude of their gravity.

Expanding the power to forgive such grave sins, even if it is for a limited time, to 1,142 priests and monks when the power to do so ought to be vested in the pope alone would appear to dilute the degree of their seriousness 1,142 times. Satan must be ecstatic.

To add to Satan's delight, "[t]he Catholic church is telling newly appointed bishops that it is 'not necessarily' their duty to report accusations of clerical child abuse and that only victims or their families should make the decision to report abuse to police." [3]  So now the Catholic church is officially an accessory after the fact [4] to priests and monks who have abused children sexually [5].

How can this pope be considered as the Vicar of Christ when his actions serve Satan's interests?  This blogger believes that he cannot be the Vicar of Christ and that whoever he truly is, he is leading the papacy to Hell.

[1]  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3441058/Pope-Francis-sends-1-000-new-hand-picked-super-confessors-forgive-sinned-badly-normally-pardoned-pontiff-himself.html
[2] Ibid.
[3] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/10/catholic-bishops-not-obliged-report-clerical-child-abuse-vatican-says
[4] https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/accessory_after_the_fact
[5] "In most states [in the United States], child abuse [including child sexual abuse] may be charged as either a felony or a less serious offense depending on the circumstances."  See http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/child-abuse-penalties-and-sentencing.html

Friday, February 5, 2016

Where God Begins

God begins where man's knowledge ends.  Man's knowledge has ended before his existence.  Indeed, man depends on a number of things that allows for his being that he cannot explain.  For instance, he still does not know why gravity exists [1] and where life-giving water around the world comes from [2].  With this degree of ignorance, many continue to believe that there is not a God Who is the Creator of the universe.  Until man is able to create, not procreate, another human with a soul, he is subordinate to God.

[1] http://www.universetoday.com/75705/where-does-gravity-come-from/
[2] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2869018/Earth-s-water-did-NOT-come-comets-Rosetta-results-deepen-mystery-oceans-arrived.html