Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Definition of Hell

"where sin lasts beyond the end of time:  Hell." [1]

[1] Alighieri, Dante. The Divine Comedy. The Purgatorio, Notes, p. 497. Trans. John Ciardi. New York: New American Library, 2003.

More Thoughts on Christmas Day -- December 25, 2012

What is Christmas?

Christmas is a belief that Jesus, son of God, was born of the Virgin Mary.  He came to the world to shine light into the hearts and minds of all and to reflect back to each of us the evil within us by becoming the lamb that we tormented in life and tortured to death on a cross.  If the ugliness in each of us can kill a sinless lamb, then there is no true justice on this earth for what true justice would permit us to exist so freely under such circumstance yet we continue to do so as we forgive ourselves again and again so much so that evilness has become neutral and acceptable as part of an ordinary life.  If there had ever been a Christmas that has brought unconditional love to the forefront and peace to the hearts of people, that Christmas with the gift of fulfillment is not with us anymore.

The Christmas we have today is a belief that money is the solution and when it runs out, a government machine will simply print more of it.  The government, Satan's puppet, has become "God" and all of its promises are curses of emptiness.  Emptiness gives rise to endless cravings and cravings are what many, many people have in their hearts and minds today.  Francis of Assisi is the only person whom I am aware of who truly put into practice Christ's lesson: to give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar and give to God what belongs to God, and rejected Satan fully.  To me, he is the true saint.  He gave us the Nativity scene which is being rejected time and again by the power of Satan's government.

Therefore, the present, a time that is dominated by secularism, Christmas is merely a holiday without God, without Christ and the all-loving and beloved Virgin Mary.  Nonetheless, on this Christmas Day, I would like to end my thoughts with a personal prayer:  Dear Lord, as I take my every step with time toward my grave, please do not ever leave me, stay with me always, and continually guide me back onto the path toward You each time I stray.

Thoughts on Christmas Day - December 25, 2012

Wherever there is God, Satan is not far away.  Both can be present within us.  We become the ugliest when we think that we are on God's side when in fact we are playing into the hands of the disguised Satan and when we do, we are not its victim but its master for only when we allow Satan to control us will we be controlled by evil.

To see Satan is to see the truth and the truth is hard to accept for who is willing to accept the regretful but very real fact that he/she is truly evil by masking envy in empathy, by injecting theft into trust or by killing kindness with fraud and betrayal?