Monday, November 19, 2012

Writings of Francis of Assisi On Money

"Let the brothers in no way receive, arrange to receive, seek, or arrange to seek money for leper colonies or coins for any house or place; and let them not accompany anyone begging money or coins for such places.  However, the brothers can perform for those places other services not contrary to our life with the blessing of God.  Nevertheless, the brothers can beg for alms for a manifest need of the lepers.  But let them beware of money.  Similarly, let all the brothers be careful of going throughout the world for filthy gain." [1]

[1]  Armstrong, Regis J. O.F.M. Cap. Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, Volume I, The Saint. Page 70. New York: New York City Press, 2000.

Noisy Thoughts & Empty Words

It has been over five months since I was here.  Having spent some time with my elderly father who could be the mirror of my future, I seemed to have lost my way, troubled by the reality of an aged life when words no longer seem to matter, when the body awakens to awkward mobility and the mind to forgetfulness. So what is the point in putting down thoughts when they ultimately represent nothing but the compulsion of the still-capable intellect to act even though its product is as empty as the unclaimed cyberspace?